Practice of Breast Self-Examination and Knowledge of Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening

Olabode Ebenezer Omotoso, Ghadier Matariek, Elizabeth F. Omotoso, Amira Matareek, Ghada M. Abdul-Rafee, Sucheta Malakar, Nabanita Chutia


The burden of breast and cervical cancer is increasing exponentially, especially among women in low- and mid-income countries. Early detection, hinged on screening uptake is a key to higher survival rate and managing cancer outcome. The present study assessed Nigerians and Egyptians’ knowledge of breast self-examination (BSE) and breast and cervical cancer screening. A cross-sectional questionnaire was utilized to obtain 1,006 respondents via a convenient sampling method. The mean age of respondents was 30.43 ± 6.69. About one-third of participants had good knowledge (> 66%) of breast cancer screening (42%), cervical cancer screening (44%) and BSE practice (36%). Age range (2640 years), educational level (tertiary), and marital status were demographic data that influenced knowledge level. The screening uptake among the studied population is very poor as only (11%) had ever been screened and only (2.2%) ever vaccinated. The major reasons for poor screening uptake were “no awareness of where to be screened” and “no symptoms”. Assessing the knowledge and uptake level of African women through studies like this is crucial in identifying the loopholes in the fight against cancer. More efforts are required for promoting the utilization of cancer screening services, HPV vaccination, and BSE practice among African women.


Doi: 10.28991/SciMedJ-2021-0303-3

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Breast Self-examination; Cancer Screening; Early Detection; African Women; Knowledge.


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DOI: 10.28991/SciMedJ-2021-0303-3


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Copyright (c) 2021 Olabode Ebenezer Omotoso, Ghadier Matariek, Elizabeth F. Omotoso, Amira Matareek, Ghada M Abdul-Rafee, Sucheta Malakar, Nabanita Chutia