Prevalence of Chronic Periodontitis: A Retrospective Cross-sectional Study
Introduction: The characteristic appearance of chronic periodontitis with the absence of bacterial plaque or with minimal amounts of it, but with the presence of gingival health, expressed in the specific pink color of the gingiva, is associated with active stages of the disease and its inactive stages. The aim of this study is to compare cross-sectional and retrograde data on the prevalence of chronic periodontitis in the two respective groups of patients, evaluated according to specific periodontal diagnostic tools. Materials and Methods: The study was applied in two groups of patients: the first group of patients presented at the dental clinic in the period October 2019 - January 2020 and the second group; in the period October-November in the annual interval 2010-2018. In these patients, periodontal status was assessed based on probing values, bacterial plaque index, bleeding index, and amount of gingival fluid in specific dentures. The number of natural teeth and the number of teeth replaced with fixed prosthetics were recorded. Results: For both cross-sectional and retrograde data, chronic periodontitis is a disease that affects young people, with a higher prevalence in females. This data is expressed with high ratios of tooth loss for periodontal reasons. The highest dental care for replacement with fixed prosthetics, again belongs to the female sex, but with a high bacterial plaque index. The high index of gingival hemorrhage with reduced bacterial plaque index, are data with high percentages both for the group of patients cross-sectional data and for the group of patients with retrograde data. Conclusions: The high prevalence of chronic periodontitis at a young age indicates a poor prognosis of this disease at older ages. Gingival recession associated with loss of attachment for patients with chronic periodontitis have higher values at age intervals 31-50 years, intervals where systemic pathologies are in the stages of development and stabilization in the human body.
Doi: 10.28991/SciMedJ-2021-0301-5
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DOI: 10.28991/SciMedJ-2021-0301-5
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