COVID-19 Perceptions: Applying the Health Belief Model

Elwalid Fadul Nasir, Ahmed Khalid Elhag, Hatim Mohammed Almahdi


This study aimed to explore the Sudanese COVID-19-related perceptions on preventive measures using the Health Belief Model, a psychosocial frame that explains and predicts health-related behaviours. A cross-sectional using an online-questionnaire through social media platforms, or channels. A snowball sampling technique was used. Descriptive analyses using frequencies and percentages for categorical variables, mean (±SD) for numerical variables. Bivariate relationships between the variables were assessed using a t-test. We conducted multiple variable analysis using the correlation between HBM constructs. Eight hundred seventy-seven participants with a mean age 37.8 (SD±11.94), primarily males, had a university education, employed and residing in Khartoum. Scores of 69% self-efficacy prevent COVID-19, 60% perceived severity if infected with COVID-19, 54% perceived susceptibility to COVID-19. Furthermore, high scores reported for hand hygiene barriers 50 and 53% social distancing. Self-efficacy correlated negatively with susceptibility (r=-0.084), positively with severity, benefits of and barriers to hand hygiene, benefits and barriers to social distancing (r=0.117, r=0.347, r=0.202, r=0.396, r=0.276), respectively. The lack of self-efficacy and low perception of severity and susceptibility, and increased perception of barriers to social distancing and hand hygiene among a considerable portion of the public hindered the compliance with the preventive measures.


Doi: 10.28991/SciMedJ-2021-0304-4

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COVID-19; Sudan; Severity; Susceptibility; Health Belief Model; Perception.


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DOI: 10.28991/SciMedJ-2021-0304-4


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