Delayed Xenograft Transplantation of Mouse Olfactory Ensheathing Cells in Adult Rats

Maryam Naghynajadfard


Regeneration of the central nervous system after injury using appropriate cells for transplantation is a controversial issue. Accessibility of allograft olfactory ensheathing cells to transplant in the spinal cord of patients is not applicable. Therefore, in this study, an attempt has been made to xenotransplant cells from mouse into a corticospinal tract lesion in a rat in order to achieve a plausible preclinical approach for future application to a clinical study. Adult rats were trained to use their forepaws for retrieving. The dorsal corticospinal tract was lesioned by a stereotactic radio-frequency lesion maker at the level of the first/second cervical segments. Rats that had shown no forepaw retrieval by 8 weeks were xenotransplanted with a suspension of cultured olfactory ensheathing cells derived from the mouse olfactory bulb. Starting between 1 and 3 weeks, 10 rats with transplants bridging the lesion site resumed ipsilateral forepaw reaching. After transplanting cells into the lesion side, the cross and horizontal sections of GFAP and NF staining of 10 animals that have the Directed Forepaw Reaching (DFR) function returned showed the regenerated CST fibers in the lesion area after 8 weeks postoperative. Xenotrasplant of olfactory ensheathing cells from the mouse olfactory bulb into a rat corticospinal tract lesion was promising and positive. Animals that had difficulty in Directed Forepaw Reaching had returned the function 8 weeks postoperatively.


Doi: 10.28991/SciMedJ-2022-04-02-01

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Xenograft; Olfactory Ensheating Cells; Transplantation; Corticospinal Tract; Repair; Rat.


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DOI: 10.28991/SciMedJ-2022-04-02-01


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