Examining the Attitudes of Livestock Keepers within Animal Production Systems

Carla Sofia Marmelo


It has been proven that the interactions or relationships established between humans and animals in livestock production significantly affect both. Therefore, it is extremely important that the quality of these interactions be positive and reflect a genuine sense of caring on the part of the people who deal directly with the animals. This study draws on some of the most important publications on the subject from 1986 to 2022 found in article databases; presents the main concepts used to understand the subject; lists the main reasons for what can be considered mistreatment of animals in animal husbandry (negative behaviours); and proposes solutions based on the literature and the author's experience. The purpose of this article is to help a) shift the paradigm and prioritise the definition of a personal profile that should work with animals, rather than focusing exclusively on the technical training of animal caregivers or on the common definition of “stockperson"; b) propose an analytical solution that can be applied during the recruitment process; and c) serve as a basis for the most relevant literature on the subject, given the already large number of publications, and d) encourage mutual reflection.


Doi: 10.28991/SciMedJ-2022-04-03-04

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Attitudes; Human-Animal Interactions; Handling; Stockmanship.


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