Exploring Small-Scale Broiler Farming Practices and Vaccine Adherence: A Study in Aguata, Nigeria

Clement O. Attamah, Ugochukwu C. Ezeibe, David J. Okoronkwo


The study ascertained the production practices of small-scale broiler farmers in Aguata Local Government Area of Anambra State, Nigeria. A multistage sampling procedure was adopted for the random selection of 80 farmers using a structured interview schedule. The data were analysed using descriptive statistics. The result reveals that 87.5% of the farmers adopted a deep litter housing system, and 98.75% ensured their poultry houses were sited in well-drained soil and properly ventilated pens. About 93% and 98% of the farmers had brooding and finishing houses separately on their farms and ensured adequate lighting and heat in their brooding houses, respectively. The result shows that 100% and 93.75% of the respondents administered antibiotics and multivitamins at the early stage of day-old chicks and adhered to the Gumboro and Lasota vaccine schedules, respectively, while only 1.25% of the farmers provided a footbath at the entry of their poultry house. All the farmers used broiler starters and finishers in feeding their birds, and the mean weekly duration of broiler starter and finisher feeding was 4.09 and 4.28 weeks, respectively, while 98.75% ensured to always provide water for their birds. The study concluded that the use of recommended production practices was high to some extent among farmers. Hence, the level of information on broiler production practices should be increased by the government extension service unit to enable farmers to keep abreast of current and necessary information on broiler production.


Doi: 10.28991/SciMedJ-2023-05-01-03

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Poultry Production Practices; Small-scale Broiler Farming; Bio-Security Measures and Vaccination in Poultry; Poultry Production in Nigeria.


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DOI: 10.28991/SciMedJ-2023-05-01-03


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