Estimation of Out-of-Field Dose Variation using Markus Ionization Chamber Detector
Objective: The aim of This work to provide evaluation for the out-of-field dose with different plan parameters as field size and depth using Markus ionization chamber detector in the measurement that are frequently used in electron and superficial dosimetery, in radiotherapy. Methods: This is carried out through the application of these detector in estimation of the out-of-field dose with important dosimetric parameters such as field size (from 5×5 to 30×30 cm2) and depth (from 1.5 to 30 cm) at energy 6 MV and collimator angle 0° at SSD 100 cm. Results: Results show that, the Markus detector reported an increase in out-of-field dose with field size, depth in almost all measurements. For 6 MV and 0° collimator angle, the out-of-field dose at field size of 5×5 cm2 (depth of 1.5 cm) is 1.1% and at field size of 30×30 cm2 (depth of 1.5 cm) is 4.4% . The out-of-field dose for a depth of 1.5 cm (field size of 10×10 cm2) is 2.3% and for a depth of 30 cm (field size of 10×10 cm) is 5.5%. the measured out-of-field dose by Markus detector overestimated in the calculated at different field sizes (2.7% instead of 2.3% at field size of 10×10 cm2 and 5.2% instead of 4.4% at field size of 30×30 cm2) and different depths (2.7% instead of 1.1% at depth of 1.5 cm and 4.1% instead of 3.4% at depth of 30 cm). Analysis: The result reported an increase in mean out-of-field dose with field size, depth, energy and SSD. Markus ionization chamber detector show overestimation of the measured out-of-field dose in the calculated values at all field sizes and depths, this may be attributed to the poor detection of out-of-field dose by TPS.
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DOI: 10.28991/SciMedJ-2020-0201-2
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