Effect of Body Positions on Quadriceps Angle Measurement

Swati Paranjape, Nikita Singhania


Background: Quadriceps angle or Q angle is an index of the vector for the combined pull of extensor mechanisms and patellar tendon. It is a clinical measurement for knee and patella alignment. It is not a static but rather a dynamic consequence to the muscle mechanics, leg loading, and foot and leg position. Therefore in present study we assessed whether change of body position i.e. standing and supine position affects the Q angle measurement. Aims and Objectives: Present study aimed at finding whether there are any variations in Q angle in standing and supine position. Objectives of the study were to measure Q angle in supine position and standing position. We intended to assess the variations in the Q angle with change of body position. Methods: In this cross sectional analytical study, we assessed female participants between age group of 18-25 years, in supine and standing position, Q angle was measured in both the positions. Sample size was 100. Results: The results showed statistically significant increase in Q angle in standing position as compared with the supine position (p <0.0001) (C.I.  1.720 to 3.140). Conclusion: There was statistically significant increase in the Q angle measurement in standing as compared with the measurements in supine. Measuring the Q angle is concerned with assessing the knee functions during daily activities and sports participation, therefore assessing this important measurement not only in supine but also in a weight-bearing functional position in clinical setups would be helpful.


Q Angle; Change in Body Position; Standing; Supine Lying; Females.


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DOI: 10.28991/SciMedJ-2019-0101-3


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